I would say that this is unf’ngbelivable, except that it sure is consistent with how things play out into bad outcomes consistently with this defense. Inexcusable, some of this has to be on the players (not all, because Fuller doesn’t seem to have as many issues), but coaches need to be addressing and adjusting better too.

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Yeah, things like St-Juste playing man while the rest play zone is a communication issue where he’s just not heard the right call is totally on the players. They have to ensure they’re getting the call spread to everyone and each player has to make it clear they have received the correct call.

But a lot of this suggests there’s a bigger issue going on. That 4th down bust was just horrific. Guys have to know what the rules and checks are when they get a bunch set like that and clearly not everyone did as Curl and Davis were talking right up until the snap of the ball trying to get it sorted. For all 3 receivers of a bunch set to be running wide open on 4th and short? It doesn’t get worse than that and coaches have to be able to sort that out.

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This seems to further support the rumblings we've heard that losing Chris Harris as DB coach has really hurt this unit. I would think that a unit that has been running this scheme for years (except Forbes) wouldn't be making these mistakes no matter who the coach is. Shows you what I know!

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Yeah, I think losing Harris probably did hurt, but good teams lose coaches all the time and manage. Kyle Shanahan loses a coordinator every year and the 49ers are able to adjust and move on. Year 4 in Del Rio’s system here in Washington, they lose a DB coach and it all falls apart. Having said that, even with Harris there were plenty of issues the past 3 years. But it looked like they were getting it on track down the stretch last year.

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The Del Río era can’t end soon enough ... I have been saying this since Del Río year 2...no imagination no creativity... very reactionary defense which causes players to think too much.... teams know exactly what defense Commanders are playing. I have never forgetten what either Evans or the other Chargers starting receiver said after that first game in year 2.

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I've been saying fire Del Rio since year 2 too. I don't think there's a lack of creativity, I actually think there's some decent core components there and we saw that down the stretch last year. But it's just too inconsistent and has some incredibly emotional calls that get them burned. And the stuff with signing Jackson, playing him in a zone scheme, now drafting Forbes and playing man is infuriating. Time for a change.

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Great article as well Mark!

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If you are referring to the scheme as cote components then I will respectively disagree…if you are referring to core components as personnel … I am in total agreement as I believe we HAD some core dawgs that SHOULD be dictating to opposing offenses.

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Players think too much…not playing fast. When I look at Seattle, Dallas Cleveland, even the Broncos lately these teams play fast and force the offense to do things out of their comfort zone. I

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Last year we saw the blueprint for how this defense could play. Lots of quarters/match coverages, big nickel package, let the front four stunt and rush together to generate pressure. Mixed in some nice sim pressures here and there, had a few different sub packages. The components were there and actually quite modern in terms of what the best defenses do in the NFL today (Think Fangio style systems). When they leaned on that down the stretch last year, they became one of the better defenses in the league. But this year, they've completely gone away from all that which makes no sense to me.

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